Thursday, March 6, 2008

Aims of HCI

HCI seeks to provide a better understanding of both the human user and the computer system, in an effort to make the interactions between the two easier and satisfying.
• Develop applications that enable user to perform their tasks more efficiently through good user interface.
• Good user interface may result in:
– Increased productivity
– Reduced training costs
– Preventable (life-threatening) user errors
– Reduced employee turnover
– User satisfaction
– Higher quality products produced

To understand the human as an information-processing system,how humans communicate, and people’s physical and psychological requirements
• Human information processing
– characteristics of the human as a processor of information
• memory, perception, motor skills, attention, problem-solving, learning and skill acquisition, motivation, conceptual models, diversity...
Language, communication and interaction
– aspects of language
• syntax, semantics, pragmatics; conversational interaction, specialized languages

– anthropometric and physiological characteristics of people and their relationship to workspace and the environment
• arrangement of displays and controls; cognitive and sensory limits; effects of display technology; fatigue and health; furniture and lighting; design for stressful and hazardous environments; design for the disabled...

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